Tuesday, March 15, 2016

That Which Does Not Kill Me...Should Run

What have I learned during my Dark Night of the Soul time?  What realizations have I uncovered during my silence?  Lots.  Although at times it felt like not so much.  Most primarily, I've learned that you can't rush recovery.  Period!  You must let everything take its course.  I've learned that in order to build anew, all must first fall away.  And when you think you've lost all and there's nothing left, you find there's still more to be stripped away.  I also learned not to lose heart.  A day did dawn where, with fits and starts, I felt a familiar forward motion.  While at times it feels as though I'm going nowhere fast, I've learned to just go with it.  I've learned to let go of expectation and focus on experience.  I can't necessarily control where I'm going and I definitely can't control how long it takes, but I do have control over how I choose to experience it all.  And that's a pretty immense thing, when you think on it!  I guess I learned a lot, really.

I didn't realize just how traumatic various life experiences were for me over the last few years until there was enough distance to give me perspective.  Between the loss of love, family, friends, job, and faith, (damn, no wonder I was depressed!)...I found I also lost some fear, insecurity, false ideals, limiting viewpoints, defeatist talk...  The list goes on.  

I know truly that my journey's not done.  Not by far!  But at least I can speak of it now.  For a while, I had to put away writing because I was void of words.  I don't feel that immense void anymore.  Tis a good thing!  For me, anyway.  For you?  Well, you can always choose not to read my blog.  And I wouldn't blame you!  It's not like I have anything of value to say to you.  But if you'd care to stop and rest a while, O Weary Internet Traveler, please feel free to have a seat and share a mug of hot sweet tea while we commence discussing nothing of consequence.  Bemusing, isn't it?!  ;)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Dark Night of the Soul

This post has been a long time coming.

As you can see, I was MIA for quite some time.  I've tried to come up with the proper return post content to explain and put all in perspective but the words seem too trite.  I guess the title sums it up most accurately.  Maybe it's best to leave the past in the past, turning focus to forward progression only.

All the sand has fallen to the bottom of the hourglass.  The only thing left to do is turn it over...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Struggle Continues...

It's been a while since I've posted and I don't like that.  I've been struggling with finding the stamina as well as subject matter for a post.  I've got lots of ideas, but none seem to be screaming out in need of attention at this time.

Truth is, I've been quite down and out lately.  Sorry to be a bummer.  Alas, my life has been lacking the passion that I've been seeking.  I lack the passion for anything at this time!  I've been drained of all energy - both physical and emotional.  I have little enough reserves to get done the bare minimum in a day's time.  And even then, there are things I should be doing that just aren't getting done.  Yes, I'm greatly struggling.  I need a lifeline.  Anyone got one to spare?