Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Start Your Engines!

"And now let us welcome the New Year
Full of things that have never been." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

The New Year is upon us.  Finally!  I've been anxiously waiting for this day to arrive, to really dive head-long into this process of uncovering my Passionate Life.  It's truly a journey within and I'm more ready than ever to take it on!  Got my Goals lined up along with lots of ideas for how to proceed.   

One of those ideas is The Mason Jar of Happy Moments I'm making for myself.  At least, that's what I'm calling it.  I previously saw the idea on Facebook.  You take an ordinary glass mason jar and decorate it, if you're so inclined.  Then throughout the year, when you experience a moment of goodness, you write it on a slip of paper and put it into your jar.  What a great way to jump-start my gratitude!  I like the idea of watching my jar fill up, showing me that things are indeed happening for me to be grateful for.  It's always good to be reminded of the many reasons for gratitude in one's life.  I might even wrangle my son into participating in this one.  He's 8.  Never too early to learn about The Big G!

I'm thinking of being very ritualistic about it too (I loves me some ritual!).  As I'm writing about an experience, I'll send forth gratitude for it.  When I see my jar filling up, I'll send forth more gratitude for all the good coming my way.  And finally, at the end of the year, I'll make a whole New Year's Eve ritual out of reading my slips, re-experiencing the moments, and feeling all kinds of warm and fuzzy gratitude inside all over again.  If life is a reflection of our thoughts and feelings, pulling in that which we put out, then what a great way to invite in extra servings of goodness throughout the year.

Each of us creates our own reality through both our actions and thoughts.  That's a hefty notion to wrap one's brain around.  Sounds easy enough, but it's probably one of the most challenging concepts one could ever embrace.  It's Basic Karma 101.  It's also part and parcel of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Remember a few entries back when I spoke of the book, The Secret?  It explains that whenever you send out negative energy, whether through your words, thoughts, or feelings, the Universe will just bring more of that negativity back into your life.  The opposite is also true.  If you think, speak, and feel positive energy, the Universe will draw circumstances, people, and events to you that reflect this positive energy, which basically perpetuates more good to come your way.

There's many writings out there that speak on this topic.  Any religious path, any spiritual path, will regurgitate its own version of this ideal.  For example, another book titled The 21 Lessons of Merlyn says:  "...true magic is 'the art and science of changing states of mind at will.'  And as we have learned from experience, action follows thought."  So basically, if your life is shit, you have no one to blame but yourself

As I've said before, I'm tired of being unhappy.  I've had enough of my old miserable self.  Time to shed that skin and emerge as something new.  I'm coaxing the petals of my floral heart to open and bloom.  My life shall be like the phoenix, rising up from the ashes of all that's gone before me.  It's high time for it too.  As I've mentioned before, I'm approaching a big birthday.  And I find myself more philosophical than ever.  Time waits for no one.  Life is a series of moments.  Time to make those moments count.  Because, in the immortal words of Ferris Bueller:  "Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

All About Timing

Like every other human creature on this planet, I have responsibilities.  And dragging my feet, kicking and screaming as I neglect their timely completion, doesn't make them go away.  Oh contraire!  They sit there, collecting dust, giving me the hairy eyeball, reminding me of yet another shortcoming I perceive in myself.

Who of us doesn't feel short-sheeted on time?  Who doesn't complain that there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish all we wish to?  Gawd, how much time do I alone waste on that very same complaint?!

I see busy people all the time who seem to also manage living a fulfilled life.  And I covet.  I covet the secret knowledge they seem to possess on how to get it all done and look good doing it.  What do they know that I don't?  They speak to me of their accomplishments, of how they enjoy their down time, and I sit there stewing on why them and not me.  How do they achieve so much in the same 24 hours that I feel so little accomplishment in?  They prioritize.  I prioritize too, but not as well. 

  "Put first things first:
     The key is not to prioritize your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.  Do the important things first - because where you are headed is more important than how fast you are going."

We all need to work.  We all need to clean.  We all need to care for our children and other family.  But we all have hobbies too.  We all have interests to pursue.  And friends to be social with.  So how does one balance it all?  I better start figuring this one out real soon.  The whole purpose of this BEMUSED endeavor is to create a Passionate Life for myself.  And a Passionate Life done right is filled with passions.  I can't achieve a Passionate Life without ample time for impassioned pursuit.  Remember kids, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

With the new year fast approaching, I took a moment to put together a list of all the good experiences I had this year.  I was thrilled to end up with a page-and-a-half long list of new experiences (double-spaced, but that still makes for a long list compared to years past).  I'm pleased as punch to see how well I achieved my 2014 Goal (resolution).  Pleased as punch!  You remember the goal in question -- Pushing my boundaries and stepping outside of my comfort zone...??  I nailed it!  And I'm using the momentum to push me forward into achieving so much more for 2015. 

My plan is to carry this endeavor into the new year, adding to it my 2015 Goal of Consistency.  But I'm also thinking Prioritize needs to partner up there as an additional goal.  Any substantial life change is constructed from the ground up.  My Passionate Life is going to require ample time to pursue my passions.  This quote is showing me the need to tackle this animal pronto! 

The new year is soon here!  More good things are on their way!!  Why hello there, Passionate Life!!! 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Ask Away

"Risk is the core cost of human connection." ~ Amanda Palmer

I'm reading an excellent book right now written by a relatively well-known musician named Amanda Palmer.  Actually Ms. Palmer is so much more than just a musician, but this blog entry isn't about all her finer points.  Go look her up.  She quite a character -- one that I've come to greatly respect as I get to know more about her and her various works.

Now back to topic...the book.  Amanda's book is titled The Art of Asking:  or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help.  The premise of the book stems from a TED talk she delivered in 2012.  It's described as:  "Part manifesto, part revelation, this is the story of an artist struggling with the new rules of exchange in the twenty-first century, both on and off the Internet.  THE ART OF ASKING will inspire readers to rethink their own ideas about asking, giving, art, and love."  Boy, did it ever!

I find myself really contemplating this concept as I read along.  The concept being that of asking for the things we need.  Whether it be a specific material item, the favor of an action, or even just emotional connection.  Multiple times a day, in a multitude of ways, we ask for things.  It's such a common place action in our lives that we aren't even aware of the many ways we do it.  It puts me in mind to take just one day and really pay attention to the number of times within it that I ask for some thing.  I bet you, even if I consciously try super hard to pay attention in order to do this count, I'll still miss some.   

Asking.  Such a simple concept.  And yet, there are distinct times that I greatly fail to do so.  It's always when I'm most in need that I clam up.  Sometimes it's out of fear of being a burden.  Sometimes it's out of pride to avoid appearing weak or helpless.  And sometimes it's just simply because I don't know what it is I need.  If you don't know what you need, how are you to ask for it?  But I find myself now questioning if there's a deeper reason why this concept at times simply eludes me. Maybe I don't really know how to ask.

How is it that I can be perfectly okay asking a complete stranger for any random thing but often, with those closest in my life, I hesitate?  Maybe it goes back to what I'm asking for.  It seems that actual material things are easier to ask for than emotional things.  I assume that's because the material is tangible, whereas emotion is not as easily defined and may therefore be more difficult for me to express, let alone procure.

Could it be just fear in general that paralyzes me when trying to ask for what I need most?  Damn it, another fear balloon just got tangled into the handful I'm still clutching from my last blog entry.

What is my fear in asking?  Am I afraid I don't know how to fully communicate my need?  Am I afraid of being misunderstood?  Am I afraid of feeling the rejection that can come with being denied?  Am I afraid of appearing weak or needy or, worse yet, vulnerable?  Oh, the horror!

I guess the real question then is:  Why am I afraid?  Why is anyone ever afraid?  For any number of reasons, really.  There will always be fear in one's life.  So how do I override fear and find my voice?  I believe it's the same as the answer to this question:  How do I ask? 

As I'm typing out this question, an answer pops into my head:  You just do.  You take that step into the unknown, push through that black hole of fear, and speak up.  And the more you do it, the more versed you will become at it.  Or not.  Maybe it will always be a difficult endeavor.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  I think it's about time I find out that answer for myself.

Monday, December 22, 2014


I awoke one day last week in a horrid state due to a dream (rather a nightmare) from the night before.  You know the kind of dream I'm speaking of -- the one where everything is so real and feels so precise that you just stand there re-experiencing some horror show from your past, paralyzed once again to stop it all.  Or maybe that's not your dream.  Maybe yours consists of some unrealized fear from some not-yet-experienced situation, terrifying you nonetheless.  Either way, we wake up bent out of shape.  I awoke from my dream feeling horribly out of sorts all day, reliving painful and frightful emotions that I had thought I was coming to terms with.  And in usual nightmare fashion, it lingered and festered anew until I felt trapped by this stupid ghost of a dream. 

Where do these bad dreams come from?  Are they my unconscious fears seeping out into my sleep only to ravage me when I'm most susceptible?  Could some be riddles, filled with bizarrely camouflaged warnings of something to come?  Or an answer to something that has passed?  And why is it that the content of a dream can be something that happened years ago, something long ago reconciled (or so one thought) and even briefly forgotten about?  Is it that the fear emotion provoked in a dream never left the unconscious, only to be easily resurrected once again?  Essentially I'm haunted by fear.  And it stinks.  In fact, it smells like the putrid odor of rotten food whose stench lingers on in the frig even after the culprit has been disposed of.

I'm finding as I spend more and more time being truthful with myself that I have lots of ghosts that haunt me.  Proverbial ghosts, that is.  I'm not actually haunted.  But at times I feel haunted.  I feel greatly haunted most days as of late, truth be told.  I feel haunted by bad decisions, by ignorance, by naivete...just to name a few.  The inability to clearly see a truth that was so obvious in a moment of time that unknowingly led to long-term hurts and frustrations -- that's a fear ghost for me.  Being consumed by loneliness for the rest of my days due to poor decisions made today -- another fear ghost.  All these little Fear Ghosties running amuck, wrecking havoc.  What to do...

"Every day is a chance for a new beginning." 

I hear that statement frequently.  And while I "get" its meaning, I don't think I understand it intrinsically the way I should.  If I did, wouldn't I be making much more of this day?  Wouldn't I be able to let these Fear Ghosties go, relegating them back to the past from whence they came?  If I wake up every morning with the gift of instant restart, where do I begin with the work to be done? 

Starting now, I tell myself, I'm letting go of all my fears, both old and new.  OK.  Simple enough.  Decision has been made to roll with it here in my "new day."  Now what?  Oh yes, now comes the tricky part -- actually letting go.

I have a picture on my phone of a balloon floating in the air with the words 'Let Go' underneath.  I frequently call up this vision when I'm stewing on something, trying to visualize my hand letting go of a balloon that's filled with whatever stessor I'm currently experiencing.  I find this technique hasn't been helpful just yet.  My hand seems to have a death grip on plenty other balloons at the moment, all containing portions of that same fear. 

Maybe the bigger question is -- how do I cleanse my unconscious?  Is there a trick to getting in there and power-washing all the cobwebs loose, running my Fear Ghosties out of Dodge?  How do I let all of it go?  Once and for all.  I understand how necessary this step is to my state of well-being.  But I think on it too much and end up creating a new fear for myself -- the inability to let go.  What if I'm so jaded that it's impossible for me to actually let go?  How do I learn how to let go...

Let's come back to this one in the new year. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I learned a long time ago not to make New Year's resolutions.  I was constantly breaking them.  In some cases, before the month was even out!  Year after year I created an ugly cycle for myself due to my lack of follow-through.  So no more of that!  Instead of resolutions, I now set goals. Now don't go trying to apply logic here -- I have no idea why changing what it's called makes a difference for me.  It just does.  It's obviously just the way my weirdly-wired brain works.

To me, a goal seems more fluid.  With goals, I check in on myself periodically to assess how well I'm doing and make necessary adjustments.  With resolutions, for whatever reason, I'd drop off and never return.  Enter:  The Shame Spiral.  Fail at resolution.  Feel shame for failing.  Promise to do better next year.  Add to growing list of resolutions. Fail again.  Shampoo, rinse, repeat.

I guess changing the name for it helped me to change the way I looked at it.  This little slight-of-hand word action did the trick and so, for the most part, I meet my goals (except for those eat healthier and exercise more goals, I still slack at those).

At the beginning of 2014, after just coming off a year filled with mucho badness, I made an important goal for myself.  And I made just one, rather that a list full, which is my usual OCD ritual for just about anything.  I *big puffy heart* list-making!  My goal for 2014 was to step outside of my comfort zone and push my boundaries.

When I find myself super depressed, and believe me I was super depressed, I turn inward.  In every way possible, I hole up.  I stop talking to people.  I don't leave the house unless it's imperative that I do so.  Definitely not a healthy way to live.  But it's the way I cope, so be it.  But by the end of 2013, I was so depleted in every way -- tired of crying, tired of moping about, tired of missing out on life -- that I knew something had to give, but didn't know what.  I was waiting for the Universe to come along and fix all my broken pieces and that just wasn't happening.  The Universe was obviously busy elsewhere and I could stand myself no longer.  So I took the matter into my own hands and decided I needed to get out and live a bit.

Hence my goal to really shake things up!  I was required to leave the house.  I was required to be social (somewhat).  Basically I returned to the Land of the Living a little bit at a time.  I set the standard low initially, knowing how difficult this was going to be at this point in my emotional state.  But I surprised myself.  Not only did I meet my initial goal post, I exceeded it!  Greatly!!  And I did it the whole year through.  WOW!  Wow.  Where's my Twinky?!

As a new year approaches, I find I already have a new goal in mind for myself.  Consistency.  Consistency is something that I struggle with in a multitude of areas.  Too often I run hot and cold with projects I start.  I'll take on a new initiative, only to walk away from it when it becomes too taxing for me (for whatever reason) or when I become disheartened by the task at hand.  Consistency is my struggle.  And yet consistency is going to be a much needed lubricant for achieving success in this new journey of mine.  I can't exact change without a long-term commitment to the diligent work required.  What a great time for making consistency my new focus and goal.

I cordially invite you, Reader Friends, to join me in making a 2015 Goal for yourself.  Share with me in the comments section what your goal will be, and seasonally when I post a "check in," I'll look to you for an update as well.  Together, we'll support and encourage each other!

P.S.  I'm ever so grateful for the wonderful feelback I've received about my new blog endeavor, both here in comments and directly to me in private.  As I continue along, I want to ensure that you don't miss any posts since there may be a post-less day here and there, so please stop back regularly to check in.  Better yet, subscribe to this blog and you'll get notices anytime something new goes up.  That way you're guaranteed not to miss the juicy parts. :-)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Reality Check

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.  It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy.  This is physics." ~ Albert Einstein

I've already spoken here about gratitude and my need for more of it.  It's a topic I'll be revisiting periodically, I'm sure.  But thinking on my lack of gratitude at this time has shown me some other areas where I'm greatly lacking as well.  Time to address those too.

Fulfillment is a concept that I think blurs into the Big G.  So what is fulfillment really?  And how does it compare to gratitude? 

I find it hard to feel grateful when I feel like everything around me is mucky.  And when I look around, everything seems to be in a greater state of muck than ever before.  But I ask myself - Is it really all that bad??  Or is it mucky because I lack gratitude?  If I turn up the gratitude, will I have less muck??

One of the definitions of fulfill is to satisfy.  Then fulfillment, in my mind, would mean having been satisfied.  So what does satisfy mean?  To fulfill the needs or desires of; content.  Well that's settled.  Not only am I lacking in Gratitude, but I'm also lacking in Fulfillment and Satisfaction.  Ouch!  Now let's talk about what brought me to this.

Since 2008, I've been keeping a private journal on a flash drive.  I periodically like to re-read old entries at different points in the year to get perspective of where I'm at as opposed to where I came from.  Looking back over old December entries I found a running theme.  I complain a lot!!!  I tried to give myself the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe impending holiday stress aided in my cranky disposition, so I cued up a few more entries from the months before and after.  Nope!  I'm a whiner!!!  The truth of it hit me hard in the face this morning.  And it shames me to admit this. 

What a hard realization to face!  I'm embarrassed by this.  I'm ashamed at my behavior here.  And because of the rush of all those uncomfortable feelings, I tried to once again excuse myself for it by saying, "Hey, it's a private journal, used by me to purge myself of my deepest darkest thoughts.  I have a right to complain if I want to!  Nobody sees it.  It's not like I'm voicing this stuff out loud and burdening others with my thoughts.  I'm purging them in order to make room for better thoughts and ideas.  This is a good thing!"  Oh I am a Master Enabler.  For shame!


It's a proven fact that your thoughts affect your feelings.  Your feelings will then affect your moods, which also affects your perspectives.  It's a never-ending cycle really.  And this morning's truth is a hard pill for me to swallow.  I'm embarrassed to even disclose it on here!  My thoughts are horribly toxic.  Basically, I'm poisoning myself.

Who isn't guilty of looking around and bemoaning any number of things -- home, car, job, clothes, appearance, lack of time, lack of energy...the list goes on.  But that doesn't excuse MY behavior.  I don't like this part of me.  It needs modification.  It needs improvement.  It needs a swift kick in the ass!

There's another tool that I wanted to introduce that I know will be a pivotal one for the next year.  It's The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.  Anyone who's read this before knows that a strong healthy mind and clean thoughts are needed to work its magic.  Well then, I better get some serious brain cleaning done a.s.a.p.! 

We draw things to us.  It's true.  And seeing all the negativity I express in my journal explains why I look around at tremendous abundance and see constant lack.  My thoughts are toxic.  Plain and simple.  Time to get back to basics here.  Otherwise, NO tool is going to help me one iota!  And this life-changing journey of mine might as well be dead in the water.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

How I See It

How do you see yourself?  Maybe you're like me, where it depends from day to day what I see in the mirror. 

At times, I see the face of a woman who's about to celebrate a pretty big milestone birthday that can mark "middle age."  You know that magic number -- the one that labels me as Cougar if I were to start chasing men half my age.  When I'm "feeling" my actual age, that's when I see a middle-aged woman staring back at me.  But that's not too often.

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." ~ Henry David Thoreau

Like the majority of folks out there, I struggle with loving that reflection in the mirror.  I struggle with seeing all her true womanly beauty.  And I've come to understand that it isn't because the face in the mirror is different looking from day-to-day -- it's all dependent on how I feel.  In other words, perception is everything!!

In 2013, when I was struggling with some radical life changes, I was truly hating the way that woman in the mirror looked to me.  But a dear friend of mine, a talented and uber gorgeous wise soul by the name of Danielle, helped to change that.  And she started the process in a surprisingly simple way.  She photographed me.  Using her artist's eye, she showed me what I was struggling to see for myself.

Danielle is the original brains behind a brilliant movement called Discovering Your GoddessDYG's Mission Statement is as follows:  "Through transformational photography sessions and empowering workshops, it is our mission to help you rediscover, celebrate and reconnect with one of your most precious aspects...your beauty."

Thanks to Danielle, along with some serious beneath-the-surface work, I've come to see myself (on most days) in an entirely different way.  Granted, I'm still a work in progress.  We all are.  But I'm liking what I see more and more each day.  And it's a wonderful liberating feeling to actually like what you see and how you feel about yourself. 

Here's a little more about DYG"Reconnecting with your beauty through photography can be profoundly life altering and rejuvenating.  To shift your vision to see the stunning goddess within is an extremely powerful gesture of self love that can quickly shift your entire experience of life in a very positive way."

Now let me say, this was a difficult process for me.  Extremely difficult!  I greatly dislike having my picture taken.  My critical eye would always pick things apart until I saw nothing but a grossly deformed mutated self.  Yes, most people don't like the way they look in photos (and there's a bit of a scientific reason for that).  But my problem was that I was feeling substandard about myself, and therefore, that's all I could see.  And it took me a long time to realize that.

"...the true gift this process brings is the realignment of your perception of your beauty."  Bingo!  There's that word again - PERCEPTION.  My perception was waaaayyy off!  Had been for quite some time.  There was nothing wrong about the physical.  It was all in the way I was interpreting it.  And that was due to the way I felt about myself inside.  If you feel flawed, then you will see flaws.

Obviously I was in dire need of some serious work on my psyche if I was to see something different.  And thankfully, Danielle, who was a dear friend of mine before the genius of DYG came about, could see that.  She encouraged me to peel back the layers in order to be able to truly see myself in a more healthy and much more accurate way.

Thankfully DYG came into fruition and is here to aid others in a similar way.  Not only through photography, but through workshops as well!  "Our workshops are designed for women who are looking for an improved, deeper everyday experience of life extending to personal relationships, professional success and their relationships with their bodies.  From helping you address anything that might be preventing the experience of consistent happiness and forward motion in your life, to empowering you to confidently make lasting changes..."

For anyone that lives in the Reading, Pennsylvania area, DYG is having a Holiday Party and Photography Exhibit on Saturday, December 20th, starting at 6:00pm.  Come check out their gorgeous space located in Studio 328 of the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, located at 201 Washington Street, Reading.  If you or someone you know would be interested in learning more about DYG, please check them out at, or contact Danielle directly at

Do yourself a favor this holiday season.  Give yourself a gift this year.  LOVE YOURSELF.  If you find you can't love yourself as you are, they ask yourself Why?.  Take a deeper look.  Adjust your perception.  And if you can't do it for yourself, then reach out and ask for help.  It's worth the effort!  You're worth the effort!!!  The gift of love is one of the greatest gifts you can give.  Start by giving it to yourself.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tools of the Trade

All of us are Artists.  In one way, shape, or form, if you create ANYTHING, in my mind, you're some type of artist.  Maybe that's an overly simplistic way of looking at it.  And maybe that statement will offend some who read it, so let me explain.  I consider myself an Artist because I Create.  I create any number of things, including actual "art"!  (more on that later...)  Because I'm about to create a new life for myself, I feel more than ever that title fits.  And so, for the purpose of my journey and this blog, I shall call myself an Artist and I shall reflect on my ability to Create.  Now that we've established that, let us continue...

Every artist needs tools.  As I meander along creating my life-scape, I anticipate using LOTS of tools.  In fact, I anticipate using just about every possible thing at my disposal.  This will include books, quotes, music, people, activities, practices, yadda yadda yadda.  The list goes on.  And as I utilize a tool, I'll be sharing the deets with you, Dear Reader.

I already know one tool I plan on using and the timing in doing such is perfect!  It's a book called Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban BreathnachSPOILER ALERT:  I already know how it ends.  I've read the book many times, so I already know that a major part of its focus is on gratitude.  And I've already determined that gratitude needs to be first and foremost on my list of focuses at this time.

I've owned numerous copies of this book for many years now.  I think I first purchased it before I was even married, circa 1999.  It was love-at-first-read for me.  So much so that I would happily give the book away to others who spoke of personal struggle, hence creating the need to buy successive copies.

Gratitude can significantly change one's perception of virtually anything!  And this BEMUSED Artist is in dire need of a perception adjustment.  A-ha!  Think I just relocated my bottle of Magic Dust!  Let the liberal sprinkling begin!!

Sarah explains in the preface of her re-published book that Simple Abundance "shared revelations that came while trying to reconcile [her] deepest spiritual and creative longings with often overwhelming commitments to family and work."  Wow!  I couldn't have hit the proverbial nail on the head any better myself!  She also explains that her "daily round had become a tug-of-war between other people's demands and expectations and [her] own genuinely conflicted desires and unrequited needs."  Double Wow!!  Hit it again, Sam!!

Sarah's book is written as a daily read -- one essay for each day of the year (including Leap Year).  She starts it off, naturally, on January 1st.  Fortunately for this Artist, it's December.  And since I currently have a copy in hand, complete with highlighted passages from previous readings of it, I shall cue it up on my lap and be at the ready to re-read it once again come the New Year.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Passionate Living

My mission (as I choose to accept it) is to restructure my life in a way that I am LIVING PASSIONATELY.  One might ask what that means, to Live Passionately.  Can't say I rightly know.  I guess it depends on who you ask.  While it can mean any number of things, for me it means to be enthusiastic about living.  Unfortunately that is something I haven't felt for quite some time.  And I want to know why.  Is it due to the circumstances of my life, past and/or present?  To choices and repercussions of said choices?  Or worse yet, my attitude.  I say worse because I hate the idea that I've allowed a piss-poor attitude to take from me the satisfaction of a life well lived.  Although one could say that is the better of all reasons to contend with, as attitudes are adjustable.  Much like waistbands! 

This question may lead one to the next logical question of "How does one go about living passionately."  I'm glad you asked!  Wish I had the answer!  That is precisely the riddle I wish to solve.  Hence the creation of this blog.

So, riddle me this Batman = Does living passionately refer to an action or a reflection?  I think, for me, it will be comprised of both.  Life needs purpose.  At least my life does.  I need something to make me spring out of bed in the morning.  (The opposite of my current drag-myself-out-kicking-and-screaming-all-the-way morning experience.)  I need something to fulfill me.  I live a rich-enough life indeed, but feel overtly vacant.  Something is missing.

And then there's gratitude.  There's something greatly wrong when someone has as much as I do in their life and yet feels as empty inside as I do.  I am not happy.  And while I've had turbulence in life, especially as of late, it does not make for my lack of contentedness.  I have all the blessings one could want and more, but I struggle to feel full.  I appear to have misplaced my bottle of Magic Dust to sprinkle over my daily drudgery, turning it into a more magical and fulfilling life experience.

"At any given moment you have the power to say:  This is not how the story is going to end."

I love that quote!!!  It's so true!  And it's for this very reason that I see my blank canvas and feel the need to find the necessary tools to paint my bright and beautiful scape.  Hello, Blog Premise :-)

As I strike out on this journey of Self Discovery, finding my way to Live Passionately, I hope to use BEMUSED as a tool to track my progress, analyze my set-backs, befuddle the gods, solve ancient mysteries,...  Ahem, let me rein it back a bit.  In the end, this will be my blue print of how I did it.  And it is my greatest hope that one might find inspiration here for oneself.  Or amusement.  Or both.  Hey, one can hope! 

Are you amused yet??

Monday, December 8, 2014

In the beginning...

Mark this day.
It is important.
You may not know just yet in what way, but believe me, this is a big day.

Rarely do we know when something pivotal is about to happen in our lives.  Usually it catches us unaware.  But today, I just knew.  In fact, I think subconsciously I knew about the arrival of today for quite some time.  I know I've been working towards it for quite some time!  And here it is.  A Monday.

When I awoke this morning, I started the day with the usual morning rituals.  Being a Monday, I prepared for work while aiding my son in preparing for school.  And though this day started out like any other, I was keenly aware of how it differed. I knew instinctually that this day was going to mark something big, something important that I was about to do.

It came upon me back in November (Nov. 1st, to be exact) that I wanted to do a blog.  A different kind of blog.  Different, because I already had a blog set up to aid in a small art business I had going for myself. But I fell away from it, and the art business, when Life threw a huge curve ball my way the year before.  The life I knew so well, had so carefully plotted and planned for myself up until that point, had disappeared.  Not knowing how to cope with it all, I allowed myself to be swallowed up by a black abyss that seemed as suffocating as living itself seemed at that time.

Since then, I started the slow and agonizing process of finding my way back.  But even in the midst of darkness, before I struck out to rebuild a life, I found myself questioning the entire time.  Is this all there is?  Is this how it has to be?  Is it too late to want something different?  How do I do this?  And of course, the granddaddy of all life-changing questions:  What do I really want?

As life started to stir within me once again I found that the answers to some of these questions started to show up as well.  And one day I realized that the rest of my life was spread out before me, like a blank canvas, just waiting for me to call forth its creation.  And then a new batch of questions presented themselves:  What do I do now?  How can I possibly do this?  Where do I begin?  Funny how the questions never cease...

And so, today, I've created a new blog to address a concept that is not new for me, but one that I have yet to figure out.  The reason I'm making my concept public is because I believe many others are standing with me, looking out onto their own blank canvases, wondering just how to begin.

Today is important.
Mark this day.
I am the Artist.  And with the publishing of this blog, I touch brush to canvas.  My mission is to create my life anew.  And I do so by letting go of everything and allowing my passions to guide me.

Welcome to Bemused: Living a Passionate Life!!!